Creating Template

Creating Templates

There are two methods to create templates using the extension:

Using Command Palette:

  • Press Cmd+Shift+P (or Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows/Linux) to open the command palette.
  • Search for Templater: Create Template and select it.
  • Follow the prompts to provide the following information:
    • Template name
    • Template description
    • Default template target directory
  • This will create a new folder inside .templater with your template files.

Using File Explorer Context Menu:

  • Select the files or folders you want to make as template (you can select multiple files & folders)
  • Right-click in the File Explorer.
  • Select Create Template.
  • Follow the prompts as described above.

After you create a template, you'll get redirected to a file named templater.config.json and folder named files. all the files inside the files folder will be compiled.

Setup & Configuring Template

You can configuring the template from templater.config.json file, there's several config available :

  • title, this is template name.

  • description, this is template description.

  • type, tempate type, currently the available type is only template so please don't edit this field.

  • targetDirectory, this is a relative path of default target when using the template, for example src/components, when we use the template from command pallete, it will send files to {{rootPath}}/src/components

  • variables, this is the most important things in template, allowing the template to be dynamic you can use the variables on anywhere (filename, foldername, and filecontent) with syntax {{VariableName}}, also there's some utilities that you can use like {{VariableName.pascalCase}} etc, see available utilities.

    templater.config.json -> Text Input Variable
      "variables": [
          "name": "ObjectName",
          "description": "Name of the object"
          "name": "ObjectType",
          "description": "Type of the object",
          "enums": ["Component", "Service", "Model", "Controller"]
    templater.config.json -> Option Input Variable
      "variables": [
          "name": "ObjectName",
          "description": "Name of the object"
          "name": "ObjectType",
          "description": "Type of the object",
          "enums": ["Component", "Service", "Model", "Controller"]
  • computedVariables, this allowing us to simplifying & reusing the same values, variables, and utilities across files. ComputedVariable

After we configuring the templater.config.json, then it's time to setup the files you can insert folder, files, and also nested folder - files. All the files & folder inside files will be compiled, you can use your variables & computedVariables with {{VariableName}} (everywhere, on filename and file content). both variables and computedVariables can be used with utilities, and can use multiple utilities at the same time (eg, {{VariableName.pluralCase.pascalCase.snakeCase}})